Family Service | mysite
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"Family well-being occurs when all family members are safe, healthy, and have chances for educational advancement and economic mobility. Support services such as early care and education, housing and food assistance, and physical and mental health care positively contribute to the well-being of families and their children. When families face challenges that cause stress, including poverty and homelessness, their health and wellness can be negatively impacted. Engaging families as active participants in problem-solving and goal-setting can help them identify and use their own strengths to address the challenges they face. When families are healthy, safe, and economically stable, their children's health and well-being can thrive."


At HSEOC each family is partnered with a Family Advocate, to help strengthen children's opportunities, success and overall family well being.

From employment opportunities, social emotional/mental health support, housing, &/ school readiness goals - the list goes on & on,
our Family Advocates are here to support you! 
Contact your family advocate for support. 
Also, see some of resources on this page.



Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive behavior that one partner in a romantic or intimate relationship uses to gain and maintain power and control over another partner. It is not an isolated, individual event. Domestic violence can involve several tactics such as: physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse.


FEARLESS! Hudson Valley, Inc.


The mission of Fearless! Hudson Valley, Inc. (formerly known as Safe Homes of Orange County) is to build an informed, just, and accountable society so all people can experience supportive and safe relationships free from abuse, exploitation, and oppression. They do this by education, prevention, advocacy, and providing comprehensive services, including shelter to victims and survivors of interpersonal violence, human trafficking, sexual violence, and other types of crime victimization. 

If you think that you or someone you know may be a victim of abuse, please call  their confidential 24-hour hotline at 845-562-5340.



Human trafficking occurs on an international, national, and local level. Whether you live in a small town or a large city, human trafficking can be happening in your own back yard or apartment building.

Human trafficking uses force, fraud, and/or coercion for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor. Contrary to popular belief, as defined by law, human trafficking does not necessarily involve moving people across borders. There are many millions of victims worldwide with estimates of 600,000 to 800,000 people being trafficked in the U.S. alone.


Are you a renter behind on your rent or utility bill because of COVID-19?
Your Orange County Government can help!

Women, Infants & Children (WIC) is a Supplemental Nutrition Program, which helps support families when they need it most. WIC improves the health of pregnant women, new mothers and their infants and children. WIC participants have longer, healthier pregnancies and fewer premature births

Giving Day (every 3rd Friday of every month)  @ Newburgh Armory 


"Across the country, more than 8 million students are missing so many days of school that they are academically at risk. Chronic absence — missing 10 percent or more of school days (even in preschool) due to absence for any reason—excused, unexcused absences and suspensions, can translate into students having difficulty learning to read by the third-grade, achieving in middle school, and graduating from high school."                -Attendance Works


"The incarceration of a loved one can be overwhelming for both children and caregivers. Because of the feeling of stigma, it takes special effort to start important conversations and answer kids’ questions. But parents can comfort children and guide them through difficult moments just by talking. With love and support, the family can cope with the challenges of incarceration together."              Sesame Street

Learn More on how HSEOC can help engage incarcerated parents in early learning opportunities.

At HSEOC, we offer assistance to families with incarcerated partners. Whether it's sending Family Reports or providing additional printed copies for your convenience, we're here to help. Reach out to your family advocate to explore the various ways we can support you.

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