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"The brains of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers undergo rapid physical and neurological growth. Children's environments and interactions with caregivers literally shape the development of the brain creating a framework that lasts a lifetime."                       -Teachstone


:  How can I support my child's development before

he/she enters Head Start?
A: Long before your child enters school, he/she is already learning. Babies are born wired to learn. As your child's most important & invested adult, your daily intentional interactions with your child will nurture this learning & make a significant difference in his/her development.  See how your intentional interactions can help support your young child's development below.





Head Start Infant & Toddler Teaching Practices & Other Early Learning Resources-
For infants and toddlers, all learning happens within the context of their relationships with important adults in their lives



HSEOC partnered with NECSD's The Newburgh Basics Campaign, which is inspired by the fact that 80% of brain development happens in the first three years of life. During this period, skill gaps between socio-economic, racial, and ethnic groups become clearly apparent. The Newburgh Basics are 5 fun & simple ways families can give their child a head start

before they enter Head Start.

Maximize Love, Manage Stress

Young children thrive when their world seems loving, safe, and predictable.

Explore Through Movement & Play

Young children's coordination, strength & overall health is dependent on their activities through movement & play.

Talk, Sing & Point

Young children are born wired to learn . They learn and mimic sound from infancy. Making these moments meaningful will help support their development & help them thrive.

Read & Discuss Stories

The more we read with young children, the more prepared they become to enjoy reading and to do well in school.

Count, Group & Compare

Math skills are developed long before children enter school.

Newburgh Basics
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